Parallel Distributed Systems Lab - PDS Lab

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering and Applied Science

University of Colorado at Denver

This webpage has all the information needed for the students to develop their labs in the Parallel and Distributed Processing (CSCI 5551/7551) and the Advanced Computer Architecture (CSCI 5593) courses.

The official PDS Lab website is located at , which provides information about the lab, equipment, facilities, software and hardware documentations, activities, etc.

In the PDS Lab we currently have three machines providing a variety of computing platforms:

Once you obtain an account, you may logon to the PDS Lab system. Upon approval of your request for an account, an email will be sent to you with your account information. Users are welcomed to come to the lab room to work on the Heracles, Xeon or Dozer or can remotely connect to them from their personal computers.

Compiling codes on Heracles

Running programs on Heracles by using SLURM

Compiling Codes on Dozer

Softwares on Dozer

Monitoring GPU usage on Dozer

Running programs on Dozer

Softwares on Xeon

Programming Models for Intel Xeon Phi applications

Compiling Codes on Xeon Phi

Running Native application on Xeon-Phi (C, C++, openmp, Fortran)

Running Offload application on Xeon-Phi (C, C++, openMP and Fortran)

Profiling CUDA applications

OPENMP Documentation