Programming Models for Intel Xeon Phi applications

Native Model

Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors run a Linux operating system and support traditional Linux services, including SSH. This allows the user to run  applications directly on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor by compiling a native executable for the MIC architecture and transferring it to the coprocessor’s virtual filesystem. This process is called Native Application. 

Native codes for the MIC architecture may be run directly on the coprocessor without the involvement of the host.

In native mode, an application is compiled on the host (Xeon) using the compiler switch -mmic to generate code for the MIC architecture. The binary has to be copied to the MIC and running there.

* MIC - Many Integrated Core architecture, used interchangeably with the terms “coprocessor”, “device” and “target” to indicate the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, as opposed to the Intel Xeon processor.

Native execution occurs when an application runs entirely on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. Building a native application  is a fast way to get existing software running with minimal code changes. First, ensure that the application is suitable for  native execution. Data parallelism, usage of parallel algorithms, and application scalability are criteria for targeting Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors, but not for distinguishing between the usage of offload or native mode. An application likely to  benefit from the large number of cores available with native execution tends to have the following characteristics:

Offload (heterogeneous) Model

It is also possible to develop applications so that they run on the host and employ the MIC architecture by transferring only some of  the data and functions to the coprocessors. The process of data and code transfer to the coprocessor is generally called offload, and  applications  using this procedure are known as offload applications.

Offload code run on the Xeon Processor and employ the MIC architecture by transferring only some of the data and functions to the coprocessors.

The source code in C language in Figure 1 demonstrates offloading a section of the program to Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor using #pragma offload.

When the Intel compiler encounters an #pragma offload, it generates code for both, the Phi coprocessor and Xeon Processor. Code to transfer the data to the Phi coprocessor is automatically created by the compiler, however the programmer can influence the data transfer by adding data clauses to the offload pragma.

Figure 1. Source code with the offload segment to be executed on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.

Figure 1. Source code of hello-offload.cpp example with the offload segment to be executed on Intel Xeon
      Phi coprocessor.

#pragma offload target(mic)  indicates that the following segment of the code should be executed on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor (i.e., “offloaded”). This application must be compiled as a usual host application: no additional compiler arguments are necessary in order to compile offload applications.

Offload model may run only on Xeon Processor if there is no #pragma offload inside the code,  also, this kind of application does not need to be copied to the Phi coprocessor.