

beostat -- Display raw data from the Beostat system.


beostat [-h, --help] [-v, --verbose] [-N NUM, --node=NUM]
[-c, --cpuinfo] [-m, --meminfo] [-l, --loadavg]
[-n, --net] [-s, --stat] [-f, --file] [-C, --cpupercent]
[-D, --diskusage] [-R, --netrate] [-I, --idle=thres]
[-b, --brief] [--version]


The beostat command is a low-level utility that displays data being managed by the Beostat package. This data is collected on each compute node and sent by the sendstats daemon to the recvstats daemon on the master node. Other commands, such as beostatus, present a more user-friendly higher-level picture of the cluster.

The default beostat command shows all available information on all "up" nodes. The --verbose option shows all nodes, including "down" nodes. Various other options constrain the output to show more specific information. You may present multiple options to see multiple data classifications.


The following options are available to the beostat command.

-v, --verbose

Verbose, display information on all nodes, even if those nodes are down. Normally, beostat displays only "up" nodes.

-N NUM, --node=NUM

Show only the data for node NUM rather than for all nodes.

-c, --cpuinfo

Display the CPU model information.

-m --meminfo

Display memory statistics.

-l, --loadavg

Display load average information.

-n, --net

Display network interface information.

-s, --stat

Display CPU statistics information.

-f, --file

Display root filesystem information.

-h, --help

Display brief help and exit.

-C, --cpupercent

Convenience option to display CPU info.

-D, --diskusage

Convenience option to display disk usage of root filesystem.

-R, --netrate

Convenience option to display network rate of all interfaces.

-I, --idle=THRES

Convenience option to display number of CPUs more idle than THRES.

-b, --brief

Display convenience values (cpupercent, diskusage, netrate, or idle) with no extra text. This eliminates the need to parse the output to obtain the specific values. Only valid when used with one of the convenience options (-C, -D, -R, or -I).


Display program version information and exit.